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Edition 2024

From June 5, 2024 to September 12, 2024
Show how they feel

The ePOP competition is now over. Thank you to all the ePOPers and ePOPeurse who made the 2024 edition such a success! The videos of this edition will be added to the platform, so check them out now!


Four prizes make up the ePOP 2024 Competition.
All videos submitted are eligible for the various prizes if they meet the conditions and themes for the awards.
The winners of the various prizes will be awarded production or equipment grants to enable them to continue their work.
For this sixth edition, the Competition renews the ePOP+ Grand Prize! Past ePOPers nominated in previous editions, now it's your turn!

For the winner
3,000€ production grant & 1,500€ production support

For the top 5
Invitation to an online Masterclass reserved for 2024 winners

Award conditions: the person submitting the video must have been nominated at least once for the ePOP+ Grand Prize in a previous edition.
With a strong community of committed ePOPers, the ePOP+ Grand Prize is aimed at rewarding a candidate who has already been nominated in previous editions, and who is once again mobilized to raise awareness of the urgent need to deploy solutions to tackle the environmental crisis.
With a grant and support for production and broadcasting, this prize will enable the winner to progress with his/her audiovisual project, via the production of a short film that could be showcased at international festivals.

For the winner
2,000€ equipment grant

For the top 10
Invitation to an online Masterclass reserved for 2024 winners

Award conditions: the person submitting the video must never have been nominated for the competition's Grand Prize in a previous edition.
The Grand Prize is the prize that allows new faces and new issues to emerge. For some, it's the culmination of an entire process. For others, it's the first step.
By receiving a €2,000 equipment grant, our Grand Prix 2024 winner will be able to progress towards the realization of his or her personal and professional ambitions.
The winning film will be widely distributed on ePOP and partner networks, to continue to promote the winner's work.

For the winner

A €1,000 equipment grant 

For the top 5
Invitation to an online Masterclass reserved for 2024 winners

Conditions of attribution: the person making the video must be a woman and no more than 25 years old on the day the video is submitted.

Young women are still under-represented among their male video colleagues. ePOP is therefore once again committed to promoting female talent, and will be offering the winner of this award a €1,000 equipment grant to help her pursue her projects in the best possible conditions.
RFI Clubs Award 

In partnership with RFI Clubs

Club RFI

For the winner

A €1,000 equipment grant

Conditions of attribution: the video must be submitted by a member of an RFI club. If you are a member of an RFI club, please indicate this when submitting your video.

The Jury

The 2024 edition of the ePOP Competition has four juries made up of personalities from different horizons. Because if the issue is universal, so is the commitment.

Women and men of the media, scientists, artists, project leaders, each brings his or her own sensibility to the table, with the aim of selecting together the most compelling testimonials.

Nicolas Nerrant
Associate Editor at BRUT

Olivier Herviaux
Journalist, Le Monde Afrique

Jonathas De Mello
Specialist in digital technologies for sustainable development at the United Nations

Maria Fernanda Troya Gonzales
Teacher-researcher in visual anthropology, FLACSO, Ecuador

Max Bale
Head of RFI Planète Radio


Jean-Marc Four
Director, Radio France Internationale

Stefanie Lang
Executive Director, Legacy Landscape Fund (LLF)

Victor David
Research Fellow in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development at IRD, and Member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.

Clarisse Balegamire Njovu
Geologist, Institut national polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny, École supérieure des mines et de la géologie, Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire, Innovation Trophy winner

Marie-Eve Migueres
ePOP coordinator for IRD, in charge of scientific mediation


Alexandra Malala Razafindrabe
Researcher, Centre d'Économie et d'Éthique pour l'Environnement et le Développement - Madagascar (C3ED-M)

Aurelie Gal Regniez
Executive Director EquiPOP

Olivier Lechien
Head of the Gender, Rights and State Modernization Unit at Expertise France

Nicolas Guignard
Director of the Green Film Festival

Caroline Vilatte
Head of IRD's Public Relations Department

RFI Clubs Award 

Susan Owensby
Journalist for RFI's "The Sound Kitchen" program in English

Marie-France Barrier
Founder and director of the "Des enfants et des arbres" association - Documentary filmmaker

Cécile Bonici
Director of the Club RFI program

Delphine Gandini
Head of IRD's networks and community department

Didier Orange
IRD researcher in ecohydrology