Archives: Results

ePOP 2023 competition results

CLASSIFICATION AND AWARDS 1st - Survivre parmi les Déchets - À Labé (Guinée) - Mouctar Diallo MamadouWins a €4,500 realization grant + an ePOP promotion kit 2nd - Fuir le Sable - À Bourem (Mali) - Hadama DiakiteWins an ePOP promotion kit 3rd - Lueur Verte - À Uvira (RDC) - Pascal BahundeWins ... Continued

ePOP 2022 competition results

CLASSIFICATION AND AWARDS 1st - Sihanaky et la Disparition des Géants - In Ampotaka (Madagascar) - Laurino Raoelijaona GourioWins a production grant worth 4,500 euros + an ePOP promotion kit 2nd - La Demoiselle qui fait Champignon de tout Bois - In Kumasi (Ghana) - Edmond Agyei KumWins an ePOP promotion kit worth ... Continued

2021 results

ePOP GRAND PRIZE RANKINGS AND AWARDS 1st - Le Salaire de la Soif - In Belafike (Madagascar) - Gildas Ignace RazafimampiononaWins a week in Paris to discover ePOP and our media partners behind the scenes + an ePOP shooting kit 2nd - L'Or à Tout Prix - In Keniéba (Mali) - Hadama DiakiteWins a ... Continued


ePOP - Petites Ondes Participatives, the 1st international network of people committed to the environment who bear witness to the way people feel about the consequences of environmental and climate change, has launched its 2nd video clip competition, "Fais voir ce qu'ils ressentent" ("Let people see how they feel"). With this new edition, we are continuing our work to highlight the human element in the environmental debate. The consequences ... Continued