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2023 Edition

From February 2, 2023 to April 20, 2023
Show how they feel

Collecting the words of those who have lived their lives, giving dignity and visibility to those who fight every day in the world, encouraging them to take in hand the problems and deploy solutions remains the challenge of this new edition of the ePOP Contest. A single objective: mobilize in the face of the environmental crisis.

This contest is open to everyone. New talents and experienced ePOPers, we count on you and your authentic, aesthetic and committed films!

O formato esperado? Um vídeo de no máximo 3 minutos feito à volta de um ou mais testemunho claro e de fácil compreensão.

"Let's save the conditions of life on this planet. Man is capable of taking on this responsibility, let's trust him, let's bring the information."

Thus testified Raymond Lucas, in the film Man is capable by Laurent Payet, in 2020 on the island of Reunion.

How do you get involved?

From February 2 to April 20, 2023, prepare and produce your video: 

  • of 3 minutes maximum 
  • in horizontal format 16:9
  • without text on the screen
  • without music. 

Alone or in a team it's possible too! You have until April 20th midnight to submit it on the platform.

The preparations

  • You have tutorials here
  • Get inspired by last year's winners here
  • You can get coaching on Facebook here
  • You can read the rules here

The day of your deposit 

You gather all the necessary information (your contact details, the description of your video, its translation if your video is not in French or English ...).

You complete the online application form and submit your work here

What's next?

An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you automatically when you submit your application.

The pre-selection will be announced during the month of May and the final rankings will be revealed at the Awards ceremony in July 2023. Save the date!


The ePOP 2023 Contest is composed of four prizes.
All the videos submitted are eligible for the different prizes if they meet the conditions and themes of the awards.
The winners of the different prizes will receive production or equipment grants to continue their work.
For this fifth edition, the Contest innovates by offering a new prize: The ePOP+ Grand Prize! Former ePOPpers nominated during the previous editions, it's up to you!

For the winner
Equipment grant of 2000€.

For all nominees
ePOP promotion kit: ePOP certificate with name and place, T-shirt, goodies

Conditions of attribution: the person who submits the video must never have been nominated for the Grand Prize in a previous edition of the contest.

This year, the Grand Prize will be awarded to a winner who has never been nominated for the Grand Prize before.
Why is this? To allow the emergence of new faces, new issues.
To allow us to accompany in depth, with a 2000€ grant, our Grand Prix 2023 winner towards the realization of his personal and professional ambitions.

The winning film will be broadcast on ePOP and partner networks on a large scale in order to continue to promote the work of the winner.

For the winner
Production grant of €4,500

For the top 3
ePOP promotion kit: ePOP certificate with name and place, T-shirt, goodies

Conditions of attribution: the person who submits the video must have been nominated at least once for the ePOP Grand Prize in a previous edition

With a strong community of committed ePOPers, the ePOP+ Grand Prize aims at rewarding a candidate who has already been nominated in previous editions, and who is once again mobilized to gather the voice of the people around him or her and to call attention to the urgency of deploying solutions to face the environmental crisis.
This award will be an opportunity to highlight an ePOPer whose expertise and willingness to carry messages are strengthened and deepened over the years.

For the winner

A €1,000 equipment grant & ePOP promotional kit

Conditions of attribution: the person making the video must be a woman and no more than 25 years old on the day the video is submitted.

Conditions of attribution: the person who makes the video must be a woman and not older than 25 years old on the day of the submission of the video.
Young women are still under-represented among their male colleagues. ePOP is therefore once again committed to the promotion of female talent and will offer the winner of this award a €1,000 equipment grant to pursue her achievements in the best conditions.
RFI Clubs Award 

In partnership with RFI Clubs

Club RFI

For the winner

A €1,000 equipment grant & ePOP promotional kit

Conditions of attribution: the video must be submitted by a member of an RFI club. If you are a club member, please indicate this when submitting your video.

The Jury

Under the patronage of the French slam artist and director GRAND CORPS MALADE, the 2023 edition of the ePOP Contest has four juries composed of personalities from different backgrounds.
Women and men of the media, scientists, artists, project leaders, each of them will bring his or her own sensibility, in order to select together the most striking testimonials.

Scientific journalist, president of the Network of Scientific Journalists of French-speaking Africa (RJSAF)

Bérénice BON
Geographer IRD, Center for Social Science Studies on African, American and Asian Worlds (CESSMA)

Pauline BOYER
Visual artist and climate activist

Jean-Emmanuel CASALTA
Director of the France Bleu network

Alex Moussa SAWADOGO
General Delegate of the FESPACO Festival


Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Muriel BARRA
Director and producer at Lato Sensu Productions

Director, Oscar for best documentary film for "The March of the Emperor

Actor, Author, Activist for social and climate justice

Benjamin ROCHE
Director of Research at IRD, Associate Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Anne-Valerie TRIBOULOT
Coordinator of the International LearningPlanet Festival


Doctor in ethnology, IRD representative in Ecuador & Colombia

Awareness, Education and Public Interest Campaigns, Agence Française de Développement, Strategy, Partnerships and Communication Department

Director of the Innsbruck Nature Film Festival (Austria)

Community activist for village self-development organizations in DRC

Véronique YOBOUE
Physico-chemist specialist of air pollution, University Félix Houphouët Boigny, Abidjan. Patron of the association Sciences et Technologies au Féminin (STF) and scientific advisor of the FSPI ePOP sustainable cities project

RFI Clubs Award 

Journalist and host of the program "Le Club RFI

Director of the training and research center in agroecology "Béo-Neerré" of Roumtenga in Burkina Faso

Coordinator of the association "Lead Tchad

Director of research on tropical biodiversity at IRD (UMR DIADE)

IRD Capacity Building Department Member of the Aflam Film Festival Board,

Journalist and host of the RFI program "The Sound Kitchen